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Report Editor - Command Line Interface Help

Command line interface allows you to work with reports from the terminal or automation (batch, bash) scripts.

Keys should start with “-” sign. Values, if necessary, are specified after space, next to the key. Some keys can be optional.

Printing to Disk

To print a report to disk the following command can be used:

  -project $project_location
  [-project_server $vserver]
    -make_new_report $report_name
      -datasource $datasource_string
      [-query $query_text]
      -print_to_disk $output_location
        -format $output_format
        [-start_page $start]
        [-end_page $end]

Keys description:

  • -project – open a project at $project_location
  • -project_serverURL of Valentina Server holding a project. Specified in the format of Valentina Server datasource string
  • -make_new_report – generate a report with name $report_name
  • -datasource – use $datasource_string to connect to the datasource
  • -query – pass $query_text as a source query for report
  • -print_to_disk – print generated report to specified $output_location
  • -format – set $output_format, can be one of the list { kToPostscript, kToPDF, kToHTML, kToLatex, kToSVG, kToPicture_GIF, kToPicture_JPG, kToPicture_PNG, kToPicture_TIFF, kToPicture_BMP }
  • -start_page – set start page
  • -end_page – set end page

Internally keys and values are mapped the API calls with appropriate parameters:

Format of the datasource string is described here.


Printing a report from local project to disk on OS X:

$ "./Valentina Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/Valentina Studio" \
  -project "/Users/user/Documents/project1.vsp" \
    -make_new_report "Report_1" \
      -datasource "mysql://host = 'localhost' port = '3306' dbname = 'sakila' user = 'root' password = 'root' timeout = '5'" \
      -query "SELECT * FROM actor" \
      -print_to_disk "/Users/user/Documents/report1.pdf" \
        -format kToPdf 

Printing a report from server project to disk on OS X:

$ "./Valentina Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/Valentina Studio" \
  -project "project1.vsp" \
  -project_server "vserver://host = 'localhost' port = '15432' user = 'sa' password = 'sa'" \
    -make_new_report "Report_1" \
      -datasource "mysql://host = 'localhost' port = '3306' dbname = 'sakila' user = 'root' password = 'root' timeout = '5'" \
      -query "SELECT * FROM actor" \
      -print_to_disk "/Users/user/Documents/report1.pdf" \
        -format kToPdf