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Creating Customized Installer on Mac OS X

VALID FOR v4.x and newer.

VDN lets you create and distribute Embedded Server with your own custom solutions. You can use the following steps to package and distribute Embedded Server for your customers.

NOTE: we use in this text mostly _Embedded suffix for VSERVER, but the same is true for _Office.

In order to create a installer, you should review the following steps.

STEP1: Prepare Folder VSERVER

  • You need install Valentina Server to your computer.

Default installation of VServer includes:

  • folder “/Library/VServer_Embedded” (or VServer_Embedded)
  • file “/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_embdded.plist”
  • COPY into other location (e.g. Desktop/PREPARE_VSERVER/Files) folder “/Library/VServer_Embedded”, which looks as
        may be some other dbs
* REPLACE file "license_mac_xxxxxxxx" on your "license_emb_xxxxxx" file if needed. 
  • DELETE all .log files
  • OPTIONALLY but usually: delete database files in the folder “databases”.
  • OPTIONALLY: rename all files and folders to your application name. So you get the following:
  • IMPORTANT: open ini file and specify the port number for your application.
  • If you are going to use SSL you should create your own SSL keys and replace default dummy keys.

STEP 2: Prepare Folder "Scripts"

  • CREATE new folder PREPARE_VSERVER/Scripts
  • COPY to this folder /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_embedded.plist
    • If you did rename VServer_Embedded to own name, then open this file and change name here also.

As result you should get folders that looks like this:

DESCRIPTION of Installer Steps

Now you have folders ready for installation on a customer computer. For installation you can use any Installer you prefer or Apple's Packager that is included into each OS X.

To better understand what steps must be executed on a customer computer lets consider MANUAL way to install MyAppServer.

On MacOS X it is quite simple steps. You need just:

  • COPY your folder of “VServer_Embedded” into folder “/Librarary”

So you will get “/Library/VServer_Embedded”

  • COPY 'com.paradigmasoft.vserver_embedded.plist' into folder “/Library/LaunchDaemons”.
  • START Valentina Server using SHELL command
    • sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_embedded.plist

DESCRIPTION of Deinstaller Steps

1) STOP Valentina Server using “launchctl unload …”

2) Remove from disk folder /Library/VServer_Embedded and .plist

Installer based on Apple Packager.

You can download and check our own VServer installer.

It is quite trivial. It have two items. First installs /Library/VServer_Embedded folder, second installs plist script for LaunchDeamon.

The first item before install of folder executes the 'vsrv_embedded_launchd_stop.sh' script. The second item after install of plist executes the 'vsrv_embedded_launchd_start.sh' script to start vserver.

NOTE: there is no need to restart MAC OS X.