Switch to: V12V11V10V9V8V7V6V5

Start/Stop/Restart Valentina Server on MAC

Check VServer State

You have several ways to check if Valentina Server is running on your computer.

1) You can open Activity Monitor utility, type few letters in the Filter and see if Valentina Server presents in the list of processes.

2) you can use the “top” command from the terminal.

Using Prefs Panel "Valentina Servers"

Open “System Preferences” of Mac OS X, click panel “Valentina Servers”. Here you can see state of Valentina Server, start and stop it.

Using AppleScript Menu

You can use Apple Script menu to easy start/stop/restart Valentina Server. When you asked for a password, type the password of your ADMIN account.

Enable AppleScript menu

Using Terminal

Start VServer

Current State: Valentina Server is not running. And you want to start it

* Open Terminal.app

* Optionally, but usually: switch to the ROOT level by command “sudo su -” if you want to run VServer under root.

* Type the following line to give command to LaunchD to start VServer_Office:

launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_office.plist

After this command, your Valentina Server is running. You must be able to check this as described above.

Stop VServer

Current State: Valentina Server is running and you want to stop it.

Steps are:

* Open Terminal.app

* Optional but usually: switch to ROOT level by command “sudo su -” if you want run VServer under root.

* Type the following line to give command to LaunchD to start VServer_Office:

launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_office.plist