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Report Editor - Summary Help

Aggregate functions are functions where the values of multiple rows are grouped together to form a single summary value. The Summary Control is intended for adding aggregate functions into the report. You have two ways to specify the function:

Report Editor - Summary Help

The Report Engine provides few aggregate functions:


Aggregate functions, in reports, should be used in the footer regions. Using in the others regions (headers or body), is unusual. Valentina Reports supports aggregate or summary controls in Footer and Header regions. Computation of the function performed on values of fields, which are included into the current region.

Summary Control support in Header groups was added with the release of Valentina 8.7.2.


Suppose you have a simple table, that contains two fields:

You needs to create a report, that prints a list of all values of the field f_num, with next conditions:

For this purpose we will create the report:

Report Editor - Summary Example : Report

let's see, what we will get in the output of the report:

The group of recordsReport Editor - Summary Example : Group
End of the pageReport Editor - Summary Example : Group with and of page
End of the reportReport Editor - Summary Example : Group with and of report

Other aggregate functions works similarly.