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Valentina Release 3.5.1 Notes

Valentina Release 3.5.1 is an update to Valentina 3.5. Although as a technology update, it has a short list of features and improvements, this release also includes the first appearance of Valentina for Ruby for Mac OS X.

For specifics related to your product or development environment, scroll down to the section governing your product.

The number listed is the feedback number found in our feedback system.

Valentina 3.5 introduced several new features and modifications. If you have not previously installed Valentina 3.5, you should read carefully the release notes for that product.

Important Notes

If you are updating to Valentina 3.5.1 products, you should read the following notes.

Valentina for Ruby on Mac OS X

This release includes the first availability for programming solutions under Mac OS X using Ruby.

Valentina for Ruby for Mac OS X

This includes Valentina for Ruby ADK (Mac OS X) for building local applications - incorporating a low level driver.

Valentina for Ruby on Rails for Mac OS X

Valentina Office Server on Mac OS X now supports writing web applications with Ruby on Rails.

Note: You should read carefully the installation instructions for Valentina for Ruby on Rails for Mac OS X since some popular methods of installing Ruby on Mac OS X can introduce complications.

Improvements and Fixes

Below are the most significant user requests and fixes that was implemented in this release. The complete list of changes you can find in Change Log.

Valentina Database Kernel 3.5

Unless otherwise noted, improvements and fixes to the Valentina Database Kernel are available in any software solution in the Valentina product line labeled with the number 3.5.1 - including application developer kits, Valentina Office Server, Valentina Embedded Server or Valentina Free Server.

Valentina Database Kernel 3.5 New Features

As a point (3.5.1) release, no major features were added to this release.

Valentina Database Kernel 3.5 Improvements

The following issues reported by engineers and customers were improved or fixed in this release. You can get more detail by entering the issue number in our reporting system.

  • 0002913: [SQL] using a while…do loop unexpected console output may occur.
  • 0002914: [SQL] repeat…until loop had unexpected results in certain circumstances.
  • 0002881: [Encryption] UseEncryptionKey had unexpected results in certain circumstances.
  • 0002894: [XML Dump] Unexpected results sometimes occur after a load dump creates a temporary field.

Valentina Server 3.5.1

Unless otherwise noted, any improvement to Valentina Server applies to both Valentina Office Server and Valentina Embedded Server.

Valentina Server 3.5.1 Features

As a point (3.5.1) release, no major features were added to this release.

Valentina Server 3.5.1 Improvements

  • 0002904: [Performance] Client Side cursors with size > 1Kb now about 30 times faster when created on Valentina Server.

Valentina Studio 3.5.1

Unless otherwise noted, anything listed under this section applies to both the Windows and Mac OS X versions of Valentina Studio.

Valentina Studio 3.5.1 Features

As a point (3.5.1) release, no major features were added to this release.

Valentina Studio 3.5.1 Improvements

  • 0002889: [SQL Editor] Issue with values being copied from a query result resulting in poor user interaction.
  • 0002890: [Data Editor] After apply/clear filter Sometime unformatted rows was shown after apply/clear filter.
  • 0002888: [SQL Editor] You can open a picture from “select” result by double-clicking the cell.
  • 0002887: [XML Dump/Load] Removed unexpected response when trying to load XML dump to a new or existing database.
  • 0002886: [Data Editor] Appearance of menu of related tables.
  • 0002883: [Schema Editor - Tree View] Icon of object in the list is updated correctly.
  • 0002882: [Encryption] Encrypt/decrypt/change key(s) database on a server now works as documented.
  • 0002880: [Encryption] After using a key for an unencrypted data/structure the database can be opened reliably.
  • 0002892: [Schema Editor - Tree View] Click on an empty space on the list selection will clear correctly, and the parent object for the list becomes current.
  • 0002897: [Schema Editor] Unexpected result when opening a second SchemaEditor.
  • 0002891: [Data Editor] After editing cell value it updates correctly.
  • 0002854: [Data Editor Related] Data Editor shows correct linked values.
  • 0002903: [Dialogs] [VStudio 3.5 Mac OS X only] Diagnose command caused unexpected result in Valentina Studio.