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Lesson 3 - Server Project Form

In this lesson, you will learn how to copy or register a local project to Valentina Server, in order to make it available for users over the network.

These example lessons make use of a version of the well known Sakila database, the successor to Microsoft's Northwind database. While in this lesson we use a version of Sakila adapted to Valentina DB, the skills are transferable to any other database.

You should familiarize yourself with Valentina Project (VSP) files as Valentina forms are objects that are stored within them.


  • Sakila - Here you can find archives of 'sakila' databases for Valentina DB.

Note, that form uses 'sakila' database with Foreign Key links, download and uncompress it.

  • Project from the previous lesson, download and uncompress it.

Step 1: Copy Files To Server

  • Copy prepared project and database files to the appropriate folders of the Valentina Server:

Step 2: Registration

  • Connect to the Valentina Server
Don't use localhost or for connection, but IP address accessible from other systems.

  • Database and project are not registered and can't be opened. Double-click them to register.

Step 3: Edit Datasource

  • Double-click the server project to open it.

The datasource in the local project pointed to the local database. That doesn't work for a server project and it is necessary to edit the datasource to point it to the server database.

  • Right-click the datasource and in the context menu execute Edit…

  • Select the database under the server and click OK.

Now the forms are available over the network from macOS, Windows and Linux systems. Valentina Studio Free can open the server project and execute forms in it. Valentina Studio Pro can execute and edit forms.

Step 4: Execute Form

  • Select one of the forms and click Execute

  • Connect to the same server from another system (Windows will be used for example).
  • Open the project and try to execute the form.