Valentina License FAQ
Find frequently Asked Questions about licensing Paradigma Software products.
Valentina Studio FAQ
Q: What is the difference between Valentina Studio Pro and Valentina Studio Pro UNIVERSAL?
Your Valentina Studio Pro license is for one user on one computer on one operating system. Some developers need to run Valentina Studio Pro on multiple operating systems. With Studio Pro UNIVERSAL, you get three licenses: macOS, Windows and Linux. While the license is for use by a single user, this allows them the ability to use their license on all three operating systems. It is not a license for three different users though.
Q: What happens when my 12 month upgrade period ends?
Your Valentina Studio Pro license will continue to work with the last release during that upgrade period. If you try to use your license with a newer version of Valentina Studio, it will not work.
A free license of Valentina Studio may simply stop working, however you can request a new free license to replace it.
Q: I have two computers I own using the same operating system. I do not use them at the same time. Can I use one license on both computers?
Yes, this is allowed, but only if you own both computers and only you are using the computers. You cannot, for example, use one computer but offer the other computer as a rental.
Q: Does one license work on multiple operating systems?
No, Valentina Studio licenses are operating system specific. Valentina Studio PRO UNIVERSAL actually includes three separate licenses: macOS, Windows and Linux.
Q: Is it possible to get a demo of Valentina Studio Pro?
The free Valentina Studio is our publicly available demo. If you need to evaluate a specific Studio PRO feature (such as Report Designer or similar), then you an request a limited time demo through a Trouble Ticket.
Q: Is there is a difference between Valentina Studio Pro from the Mac App Store?
Yes. Many PRO features are not testable in the free Valentina Studio downloaded from the Mac App Store. The Mac App Store receives updates at a slower rate than the standard version. There are specific limits to the MAS version based on limits placed on all applications on the MAS.
Q: Can I upgrade from the Mac App Store version of Valentina Studio Pro to the "regular" version of Valentina Studio Pro?
Yes. Within 30 days of purchasing through the MAS, you can request from us a replacement license for free with proof of purchase. After that 30 day period, you can register your license with Paradigma Software and be able to RENEW your license later.
Q: Is there a competitive upgrade option to get Valentina Studio Pro from Navicat, Datagrip, or other competing solutions?
Yes! Go to our website menu STUDIO > Competitive Upgrade to see if your product qualifies. If it is not on the list, then ask via Trouble Ticket and we will evaluate if your current product qualifies. If it qualifies, you will be able to RENEW to Valentina Studio PRO at a substantial discount.
Solution Provider FAQ
Valentina Developer Network FAQ
Valentina Developer Network lets developers deploy OEM versions of Valentina Server to their customers as a part of their solutions.
VDN General Questions
Q: What do the levels mean ( 5/10/25/250) when licensing VDN ?
VDN uses a level system based on the number of unnamed, simultaneous connections. The level is shown as a split number, such as 5/10 of 250/UNLIMITED. Lets take a look at 5/10:
The first number (5) is the maximum number of connections allowed at one time for REST requests, Valentina Reports Server and Valentina Database Server. With 5/10, this means 5 connections are available for REST requests, Valentina Reports and Valentina Database Server.
The second number (10) is only for the SQLite Server. SQLite Server supports its own, separate maximum number of simultaneous connections. With the 5/10 level, you get 10 simultaneous connections for SQLite Server.
In the case of 250/UNLIMITED, you get 250 connections to allocate for REST requests, Valentina Reports Server and Valentina Database Server, but an unlimited number of SQLite Server connections.
Q: Who provides support to the end user of a VDN based solution?
End users do not get support from Paradigma Software. They get support directly from the VDN subscriber.
Q: Are all my copies of VDN Valentina Server the same capacity?
Yes. This depends on your subscription level. For example, if you have a “5”, then the server file you deploy will support 5 connections of REPORTS / REST / VDB and 10 connections of SQLite Server.
Q: Can I get an Unlimited / Unlimited version of VDN Server for my customers ?
Yes. The UNLIMITED / UNLIMITED version is a per deployment product and requires a deployment license for each customer. If you are a current, up-to-date subscriber then you can order this for your customer. It is not available if your subscription expires.
VDN Subscriptions
Licensing Scenarios
We've created a licensing scenarios page based on questions we receive from customers. If you don't find your answer here to a licensing question - check the scenarios page.