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Create Dump Dialog Help

This wizard serves to create a database dump. Valentina studio uses the same wizard to create a dump for different database engines. If some database provides additional dump options, the wizard shows them on the separate page.


If the dump wizard was called for the table or schema you can select few items that will be dumped.

The list filter is available only in the Pro version.

Dump Type

On this page, you should define a type and content of output data.

Create Dump Dialog : Kind

  • Excel 1997-2004 (.xls) – If selected, then dump will be created in XLS format.
  • Excel (.xlsx) – If selected, then dump will be created in XLSX format.
  • HTML – If selected, then dump will be created in HTML format.
  • JSON – If selected, then dump will be created in JSON format.
  • SQL – If selected, then dump will contains SQL quires.
  • XML – If selected, then dump will be created in XML format.
  • Structure Only – If selected, then the dump will contain information only about database structure.
  • Structure And Records – If selected, then the dump will contain the information about the database structure and all data in the tables.
  • Records Only – If selected, then the dump will contain only data from tables.

PostgreSQL has more formats for dump:


Several database engines are provides advanced dump options:

PostgreSQL dump options:

MySQL dump options:

Destination File

At this page you should define a destination file that will contain the dump.

Create Dump Dialog : File

  • Destination File – The path to the file, that will contain a dump.
  • Encoding – The encoding of the dump.

Result Page

The last wizard page shows the dumping progress and results.