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Report Editor - Script Editor

The Script Editor is a part of the Report Editor. You can create and edit scripts for events fired during the report generation process.

Script Editor supports the following scripts:

The Script Editor has an easy layout for script writing:

It consists of the next main parts:

  • Toolbar
  • Controls Tree
  • Script Area
  • Logs

Script Editor Toolbar

Scripts mode toolbar has following two tabs: Scripts and Options

  • Preview - switch to preview mode
  • Editor - switch to layout editor mode
  • Execute - execute the current script

  • Preview - switch to preview mode
  • Editor - switch to layout editor mode
  • Reuse report instance - if TRUE, the same report instance object will be used to execute script on each Execute button click

Script Editor Controls

Represents all objects of report in a tree view. You can select objects to view and edit their scripts.

Script Area

The script area has following three parts:

  1. Script kinds tab bar - contains tabs for all possible script kinds of currently selected object in tree. NOTE: Tabs with scripts are marked with a special icon
  2. Language drop-down list - defines the language of the script: SQL or JavaScript.
  3. Script text field - allows editing text of the script with autocompletion for the chosen language.

Report events:

  • pre_build - executed before building the report. NOTE: This is the right place for initialisation steps
  • post_build - executed after building the report
  • pre_add_page - executed before adding a page to the report
  • post_add_page - executed after adding a page to the report
  • pre_print - executed before printing the report
  • post_print - executed after printing the report

Control events:

  • pre_place - executed before placing a control on the page
  • post_place - executed after placing a control on the page


There is the logs panel at the bottom of Report Editor in Scripts mode. It has log messages generated by the current script after the Execute button click.

At start it is closed:

And is opened automatically once a message is added to the log: