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Valentina Release 5.7 Notes

Valentina Kernel

  • [FIX] - 6960: Crash on SQL query with GROUP_CONCAT which worked in the previous versions.
  • [FIX] - 6969: VCursor.Position property return a wrong value under certain circumstances.

Valentina Server

  • [NEW] - 5486: [NEW] Access Control List to allow/disable connections from specific IPs.
  • [FIX] - 2291: Can not perform db.ThrowOut() without open or create db before.
  • [FIX] - 5870: DROP DATABASE for closed database leads to kernel error and has no effect.
  • [FIX] - 6707: Docs about Password security.
  • [FIX] - 6756: Only connections with successful login should be counted.
  • [FIX] - 6966: Extra connection needed for admin only in case of all connections are in use.
  • [FIX] - 6982: Non-PRO VStudio creates a project, which is shown as not registered in SHOW PROJECTS and appears in SHOW DATABASES.

Valentina Studio

  • [FIX] - 6797: Field name underscore prefix is replaced by the space character.
  • [FIX] - 6817: SQL editor doesn't display underscores correctly.
  • [FIX] - 6925: Role delete ('-' button) in Server Admin makes Valentina freeze.
  • [FIX] - 6972: Valentina Studio now supports PostgreSQL Materialized Views.
  • [FIX] - 6974: There is no sync script for collation, working with SQLite.