Table of Contents
Changes the definition of an existing type.
alter_type_statement : ALTER TYPE type_name alter_type_action alter_type_action : RENAME {TO | AS} type_name | ADD VALUE character_string_literal [, locale_name COLON character_string_literal ... ] | ADD VALUES { character_string_literal_list [, locale_character_string_literal_lists] | locale_character_string_literal_lists } | CHANGE VALUE [locale_name COLON] character_string_literal TO character_string_literal | DROP VALUES locale_name
There are several subforms.
- RENAME - This form changes the name of the type or the name of an individual attribute of a composite type.
- ADD VALUE - This form adds a new value to an enum type at the end of the list of values.
- ADD VALUES - This form adds few new values to an enum type at the end of the list of values.
- CHANGE VALUE - This form changes existed value of enum to new.
- DROP VALUES - This form allows to drop set of value of some locale.
CREATE TYPE DaysOfWeek AS ENUM(); ALTER TYPE DaysOfWeek ADD VALUE 'Sunday'; ALTER TYPE DaysOfWeek ADD VALUES ( 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' );
-- you can change one value if there was a typo or you want just modify it -- ALTER TYPE DaysOfWeek CHANGE VALUE 'Tuesday' TO 'Tue';
Examples with Localization
-- ADD the whole set of values for locale 'ru'. -- ALTER TYPE DaysOfWeek ADD VALUES 'ru':( 'Воскресенье', 'Понедельник', 'Вторник', 'Среда', 'Четверг', 'Пятница', 'Суббота' );
-- DROP the whole set of values for local 'ru' -- ALTER TYPE DaysOfWeek DROP VALUES 'ru';
-- CHANGE ONE VALUE in a specific locale: -- ALTER TYPE DaysOfWeek CAHNGE VALUE 'ru':'втАрник' TO 'вторник' ;