A full database dump is performed successfully, but a dump of a single table with the selected "Structure and records" option ends with an error. By the way, by default, for DuckDB, the row group size is something like 122800, perhaps it should be specified in the dump creation wizard. Inserting 256 records into a transaction for DDB is inefficient.
At the same time, the Dump does not contain scripts for creating user types that are in the DB, but there are comments on objects,
and vice versa, for Backup, in the schema.sql file, user types are present, but there are no comments on objects.
The Studio schema editor also does not show user data types (ENUM and other composite types), perhaps it is worth adding.
Also, in the table creation dialog, it is advisable to display types in the user data type selection list, if they are in the schema (as is done for VDB).
Yes, ENUMs are not editable yet, and when they are used in a table creation script, they are inlined as if they belong to a specific table, like in MySQL, and not to the schema as a whole, i.e. they become anonymous in the table.
It turns out that user data types in the schema are by themselves, and they are in the table - by themselves - the connection is lost.
Why this is done is a great mystery.
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