1. Lynn Fredricks
  2. Announcements & News
  3. Thursday, August 16 2018, 07:08 PM
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Paradigma Software Valentina 8.3.9 improves working with other databases including MySQL, MariaDB and SQLite, plus improves Xojo development and Microsoft Excel export.

Valentina Studio / Studio Pro
Valentina Studio is the free, all purpose database management and forms client tool. Valentina Studio Pro combines database management with diagramming, forms creation, reporting and database continuous integration.

  • [Fix] 8281[SQL Editor] Excel dump number of rows in query result
  • [Fix] 8312 loop on return to query whose results have been deleted
  • [Fix] 8340[MySQL] Don't drop links in the dump if “Drop before restore” option is used (they dropped with tables)
  • [Fix] 8341[MySQL] Ability to split the records into few blocks for multi-row INSERT or transaction
  • [Fix] 8342[MySQL] Fix dumping default field values for the latest MariaDB servers
  • [Fix] [MySQL] Save dump options in the user prefs
  • [Fix] [MySQL] Add DROP DATABASE statement to dump if “Drop before restore” option is used
  • [Fix] [MariaDB] Correct mariadb version for proper quoting (https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/information-schema-columns-table/)
  • [Fix] 8345[SQLite] shows columns which can't delete and which are invisible in other tools

Valentina for Xojo ADK
ValentinaDB is Paradigma Software's advanced object-relational database system found in developer deployable ValentinaDB ADK and Valentina Server.

  • [Fix] 8337 new property VDatabase.ActiveTable, to resolve rare cases

All product updates are available for immediate download from the Paradigma Software download site.
  1. http://www.valentina-db.com/blog/?p=2306
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