Reporting for Python

Transforms queries into visually stunning enterprise reports with full suite of design elements.

The Valentina Reports toolbox includes charts, graphs, barcodes, grids, images, html objects, labels, text boxes and more.

Valentina Studio Pro Report Editor


Valentina Projects

Several Valentina products store assets in Valentina Projects. A report is an asset that is stored in a Valentina Project, making it accessible from Valentina Studio or registered on Valentina Server. Valentina Projects are system neutral across operating systems.

Looking inside of a Valentina Project at Reports, Queries and other objects

Double-click any item in the Project browser to open the object in the right editor for modification or accessing object properties.

Preview Reports

Both Valentina Studio and Valentina Studio Pro let you preview your report. You can preview as PDF, Image & HTML, Postscript and SVG right from the Preview Tab.

Preview your report from within Valentina Studio Pro or the free version of Valentina Studio.

You can easily share reports with users of the free version of Valentina Studio without giving them direct access to the underlying data.

Conditional Styling of Objects

Almost all Valentina Report Objects allow for conditional styling.

Use SQL or JavaScript Expressions to determine if an alternative styling applies when you run your reports. Conditional styling of Reports as displayed in Valentina Studio Pro

Conditional styling is applied whenever a report is printed or previewed.

Report Watermarks

A Watermark is a semi-transparent overlay textual or graphic image that is often printed on documents to indicate status (such as a draft document, a status of confidential, an overdue invoice or the like). Traditionally these are printed over all portions of a document, however Valentina Reports allows you to designate elements which appear above or below a watermark.

A Watermark is a semi-transparent overlay textual or graphic image that is often printed on documents to indicate status (such as a draft document, a status of confidential, an overdue invoice or the like.

The Watermark property specifies the textual or graphical elements that are added to each page of the report independently from the layout.


Design Reports
Preview Reports


Save Reports
Preview Reports