Find an issue? If you are certain you've found a bug with a Paradigma Software product, visit our Mantis Bug Tracker site. You can see the last ten items submitted. You can also make feature requests through Mantis as well. Before report into Mantis you may read FAQs on bug reporting and feature requesting.
Level 1 technical support is available for free for customers through the Support Ticket System who meet the following conditions:
Before using the Support Ticket System, please check 1) online documentation and 2) FAQ and discussions.
Free support is usually answered by the next business day, but we cannot guarantee a specific time for a reply.
Priority support options are available for level 2 or higher technical support.
Level 2 technical support is available on a fee basis utilizing support incident credits.
Level 2 support questions can usually be answered in a few sentences or paragraphs - such as explaining a software process. Support credits are used as payment, with one credit either representing one incident of up to one hour to resolve. Multiple credits can be used to cover multiple hours, up to eight hours (one engineer day).
If a Level 2 incident is the result of an undocumented bug in the Paradigma Software product, you will not have a credit deduction for your support request. If it is already documented then there will be a one credit charge.
Level 2 technical support can be resolved by email, internet chat or Skype Chat by a Paradigma Software support specialist.
To receive Level 2 technical support, you must have one or more support incident credits on account.You can purchase incident credits through the Paradigma online store. A credit must be used within one year of purchase or it automatically expires.
To use internet chat or Skype for incident support, you must agree to a mutually agreed upon time to meet by way of our Ticket System.
Level 3 technical support covers such topics as writing or debugging scripts, or providing advice on database schema to suit a particular, single business need. A Paradigma Software support specialist or engineer can work with you to resolve most issues or provide advanced assistance. Level 3 support questions often take more than a single session to resolve, or longer than a single day of engineer time.
Level 3 technical support can be resolved by email, internet chat or Skype by a Paradigma Software support specialist or a combination of all of these options.
Level 3 technical support is covered under a support contract. If you are interested in Level 3 support, contact us through the Support Ticket system.
OEM products are products that Paradigma Software licenses to another developer who in turn license them to a customer.
Valentina Developer Network developers may license a product to their customers based on the embedded version of Valentina Server. If you are a user of a Valentina Embedded Server product, your contact for support is the developer that licensed you the application.
Registration and Login is Required for Support. Inquiries for customer support or paid technical support require you to register and log in to your account. Registering on this site is free. All paid technical support inquiries use the Open Ticket link.