Valentina Studio Features In Depth

Clean data editor with high productivity tools for working with tables, records and fields.

Valentina Studio Data Editor lets you work directly with data stored in tables. It also provides powerful ability to edit data in related tables.

Valentina Studio Data Editor Single Mode on MacOS

From within the Data Editor, you can add, edit, delete, sort, filter, import and export data. You can also copy-paste directly into a table in the Data Editor. Valentina Studio has a growing number of general, visual editors as well as editors expressly created for data formats specific to individual database platforms.

Valentina Related Table Editor

When you open a Data Editor for a table that have at least one Link to other tables (self-recursive link also) the Data Editor will show two views for two tables.

  For all supported relational databases (Valentina DB, mySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, …) this tool supports Foreign Key links. For Valentina Database it also works with ObjectPtr and Binary Links.  ForeignKey and ObjectPtr can be of 1:1 and 1:M types. A BinaryLink can be also M:M type.

For all supported relational databases, the Related Table Editor supports Foreign Key links. For Valentina Database it also works with ObjectPtr and Binary Links. ForeignKey and ObjectPtr can be of 1:1 and 1:M types. A BinaryLink can be also M:M type.

Data Filtering

Use Data Filtering to select a subset of records of a table to specify simple search conditions. Add one or more filter rows. You can see filter row(s) in green at the top of the table grid. In filter row(s), you can define a search condition for each field that work just like a SQL query. Valentina Studio combines all these search conditions to produce a SQL query and then execute it.

You can alternatively create a WHERE filter for more complex expressions.

Filters allow you to select a subset of records of a table specifying simple search conditions.

Use a pop up menu to execute recently used filters or add your filters to your favorites.

Custom Value Formatting

In Valentina Studio Pro, you can apply and save formatting options to values within the Data Editor, depending on their types. Some options are universal and some are available only to certain database engines.

Display data within the Data Editor without changing any actual data.

In addition, you can also create custom input masks to ensure that data entered conforms and is displayed in a productive way.

Create a custom input mask for entering and displaying data in the data editor.

Valentina Custom Data Editors

Valentina Studio includes several custom, visual editors for displaying and working with different data types, no matter if it an officially recognized type or stored and detected within a BLOB field content.

Valentina Studio also supports custom data editors of data types native only to specific databases.

Visual HTML Editor

If Valentina Studio detects binary or textual data containing HTML, markup then highlighting and visual editing then becomes an option.

Valentina Studio Visual Data Editor for HTML Text

Visual JSON Editor

If Valentina Studio detects JSON in binary or  textual data then highlighting and visual editing then becomes an option. The Inline Editor lets you edit in the table grid with syntax highlighting. The Advanced Editor is presented as an ordinary modal dialog to view JSON structure and edit values within the tree. For binary fields JSON can be viewed in the hexadecimal form using the Data tab.

Advanced JSON Editor in Valentina Studio Data Editor


 Basic Auto Complete
Basic Editors

 Advanced Auto Complete
Advanced Editors