1. Steve Wilson
  2. Valentina Reports ADK
  3. Воскресенье, Февраль 18 2018, 08:07 PM
  4.  Подписаться через email
Is Valentina Reports ADK for C a shared library (*.dll / *.so) that can be used with programming languages other than C?

To be specific I want to be able to use PureBasic to create CGI applications that generate and return Valentina reports (I know about Valentina server but I really just want to use the cgi-bin of a standard hosting package).

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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
Thanks Sergey,

I'm very busy for the next few days but I'll get around to trying it as soon as I can.
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Sergey Pashkov Ответ принят
Hello Steve,

The version 8.0.2 is available for download
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Sergey Pashkov Ответ принят
Yes, we'll let you know when it will be ready.
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
Thanks Sergey,

Will you post back when the new Linux build is available for download?
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Sergey Pashkov Ответ принят
Thank you, and now it works in my development build of VCSDK on Linux.
There was one more issue - in the next build, you'll be able to call just the Valentina_InitReports, without Valentina_Init.
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
Thanks Sergey,

I just made a quick test and I'm pleased to say I can open a project, run a report and save it to a file :D


Enumeration ValentinaReportPrintType
#kToPicture_GIF = 100
#kToPicture_JPG = 101
#kToPicture_PNG = 102
#kToPicture_TIFF = 103
#kToPicture_BMP = 104

Procedure Valentina_Init(mkey$,wkey$,lkey$,nReport=#False)
*bMkey = UTF8(mkey$)
*bWkey = UTF8(wkey$)
*bLkey = UTF8(lkey$)
If nReport
nCache = 10*1024*1024

Procedure Valentina_Shutdown(nReports=#True)
If nReports : CallFunction(#Lib,"Valentina_ShutdownReports") : EndIf

Procedure.i Valentina_ProjectNew(filename$)
*bfr = UTF8(filename$)
nProject.i = CallFunction(#Lib,"Project_New",*bfr)
ProcedureReturn nProject

Procedure.i Valentina_ProjectOpen(nProject)

Procedure Valentina_ProjectClose(nProject)

Procedure.i Valentina_ReportCount(nProject)
ProcedureReturn CallFunction(#Lib,"Project_GetReportCount",nProject)

Procedure.i Valentina_ReportOpen(nProject,name$,datasource$,sql$)
*bName = UTF8(name$)
*bDatasource = UTF8(datasource$)
*bSql = UTF8(sql$)
nRes = CallFunction(#Lib,"Project_MakeNewReportByNameWithDatasource",nProject,*bName,*bDatasource,*bSql)
ProcedureReturn nRes

Procedure Valentina_ReportToDisk(nReport,out$,nFormat,nFromPage,nToPage)
*bOut = UTF8(out$)

Procedure BailOut(msg.s,nProject)
Debug msg
If nProject > 0 : Valentina_ProjectClose(nProject) : EndIf

If Not OpenLibrary(#Lib,"vcsdk_release_x64.dll")
Debug "Could not open library"


nProject.i = Valentina_ProjectNew("reports.vsp")
If nProject = 0 : BailOut("Could not open project",nProject) : EndIf

nReport = Valentina_ReportOpen(nProject,"Report_1","sqlite://reports_db.sqlite","select * from T1")
If nReport = 0 : BailOut("Could not open report",nProject) : EndIf

BailOut("All done :-)",nProject)
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Sergey Pashkov Ответ принят
Attached the example from V4RB with the SQLite database.
The query for reports is SELECT * FROM T1
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
Thanks Sergey,

Would it also be possible to get a 'Hello, World!' *.vsp file as I outlined in post #7 of this thread?
I did download the C++ ADK as Ruslan suggested but there was no *.vsp included with that either.

I did a partial test of the VCSDK on Windows. As the demo version of Valentina Studio wont allow me to save a report all I was able to do was open my test.vsp and confirm Project_GetReportCount() equalled zero.
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Sergey Pashkov Ответ принят
Hi Steve,

Thank you.
After fixing the issue I was able to load the library in PureBasic on Linux.

I'll make an example of how to work with reports with the description in our wiki.
And there will be a new build.

Haven't you tried to work with VCSDK and reports on Windows? Meanwhile, you can play with them.
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
Hi Sergey,

Thanks for your help.

Here is the PureBasic code:

nRes = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any,"libVCSDK.so")
If nRes = 0
Debug "Could not open library"
If ExamineLibraryFunctions(nRes)
While NextLibraryFunction()
Debug LibraryFunctionName()
Debug "Could not extract function names"

You can download the demo version of PureBasic here.
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Sergey Pashkov Ответ принят
Hello Steve,

Yes, it is libVCSDK.so

I've rechecked the VCSDK project on Linux and found a possible reason why it can't be loaded.

Could you please add your PureBasic example, so I'll be able to rebuild the VCSDK library and check it?
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
I have now installed the C ADK on Ubuntu but I can not find the Linux equivalent to vcsdk_release_x64.dll

I've found all the other vcomponents in /usr/local/lib but that key library is missing. I've used the locate command but no luck again.

It really shouldn't be this frustrating to try out your ADKs :(

OK, I think I've found it, is it named libVCSDK.so rather than libvcsdk_release_x64.so?

Unfortunately if that is it I don't seem to be able to read the functions within it using PureBasic.

I initially had the same problem with the Windows version but I put all the vcomponents in the same folder and then PureBasic could read the library functions from vcsdk_release_x64.dll. Unfortunately the same trick doesn't work on Linux so I'm guessing there's still something missing.

Sadly I think I'm going to have to give up on this... :(
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
Hi Ruslan,

I have downloaded and installed the C++ SDK, that has installed the Examples folder in My Documents but there is still no *.vsp file.

I have used Windows Explorer to perform a search of all folders and subfolders to be sure and it found nothing.
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Ruslan Zasukhin Ответ принят
Hi Steve,

really VCSDK do not contains Examples folder.

Please download also C++ VSDK archive for your OS, it has that examples.
and you can find there EXamples / vReports example with .vsp
This .vsp present in each ADK.

You can open it by free Vstudio and play with preview.
You can check .cpp file to see C++ code to work with this example.

2) TIP described in our WIKI page about How test VStudio PRO features:

- it is possible to use free Valentina Server, and then free Valentina Studio can create a new .vsp on that VServer, so any ADK can play with that .vsp. This project will alive until VServer restart.
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
Thanks Ruslan,

The free version of Valentina Studio doesn't allow me to save reports, could I get a *.vsp file with a helloworld report in it (just a report with a 'Hello, World!" label on it) so I can test opening it and outputting it to disk from the C ADK?
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
OK, I've used PureBasic to list all the functions in vcsdk_release_x64.dll and I can see the equivalent functions that I'm familiar with from when I've used Valentina with Xojo: Project_Open, Report_PrintToDisk, etc... so that's a promising start.

Do the C commands that receive string parameters expect to get a pointer to a null terminated UTF8 string?
Right. const char* in C, utf8
  1. Ruslan Zasukhin
  2. около 6 лет назад
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
My Documents/Paradigma Software only contains a folder named VCDK_x64_8

and within that folder are just the following two files:

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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
Hi Ruslan,

On your website I went to Developer->Reports for Applications->Download

I downloaded and installed 'Components for C 8.0' but I can not find any examples.
They have not been copied to the 'My Documents' folder as the readme file suggests they should.
what about this: My Documents / Paradigma Software / VCSDK
  1. Ruslan Zasukhin
  2. около 6 лет назад
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Ruslan Zasukhin Ответ принят
Hi Steve,

we have in WIKI description of general API ADK => https://goo.gl/EnygqA

For C usage, it is easy to see in the headers of C ADK that we use names as VProject_open() for functions to simulate OO instead VProject.open()

Also please check in C ADK folder Examples / Reports

Also we have
- tutorials about reports - how to design them in Valentina Studio - Report Editor,
- video lessons,
- online report examples
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Steve Wilson Ответ принят
Do you have a function reference for the *.dll files?

I can't seem to find any help documentation on your website that pertains to the C ADK.
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