Dear All,
I am new to Valentina Studio, and I am scratching my head over how to achieve a simple thing:
Launch Valentina Studio from the command line, so that it will automatically open a database contained in a VSP project file and run the "startup" script for that database.
I have been trying to achieve this with the sample database "car_catalog_python.vsp", which ships with Valentina Studio. I have tried the CLI options mentioned in the documentation, but no luck. Since Valentina Studio also issues no error messages (either to the console or the GUI), I have no clue what I might be doing wrong.
My goal is to find a way for deploying databases for a target group that knows nothing about Valentina, SQL or client/server DBMS technology. These people will be completely overwhelmed with Valentina Studio, its functions and terminology. Ideally, it should be possible to hide all that complexity from them, by just launching Valentina Studio with the database they need, and they should never have to interact with Valentina Studio itself (a "headless mode", so to speak).
Can somebody help? What might be the best way to achieve my goal with Valentina technology?
Thanks for any help with this!