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Lesson 1 - Simple Input Form

In this lesson, you will learn how to create a simple input form using the wizard for the table “customer”.

These example lessons make use of a version of the well known Sakila database, the successor to Microsoft's Northwind database. While in this lesson we use a version of Sakila adapted to Valentina DB, the skills are transferable to any other database.

You will create a set of input fields and navigation buttons that allows users to enter new records, modify existing records and navigate between records in a database.


Download our example database to work through this tutorial.

Our example for forms form uses 'sakila' database with Foreign Key links.

Step 1: Create Project

All forms are contained within VSP projects. In this lesson, a local project will be used.

On the Start Page click New Project → Local… and select the location for a new project.

An empty project is created.

Step 2: Create Datasource

To define the source where the form will take its data it is necessary to create a datasource.

  • Click Create → Datasource…

  • In the context menu of Databases list of Valentina Files connection select Open Database… and select a database location.

  • Select an opened database and click OK.

Step 3: Create Form

Create a form in the Form Editor.

  • Click Create → Form…

A form wizard will be shown:

  • Input the name, select the datasource and click Continue.

  • Select the “customer” table as the records source.

The list of available fields will be filled with the items from the source table:

  • Move all of the fields to the right list using the button “»” to place them on the form, move to the next step:

  • Leave the default values for layout and data mode and finish the wizard:

As a result, you will have the following layout:

Step 4: Execute Form

  • Click Execute.

The form window will show the data from the table, the buttons allow the switching to the next and previous records.

  • Close the form window. The form was auto saved and appeared on the project tab.

You can execute saved forms right from the project tab using the Execute button.

Not sure if you did it right? You can download a completed version of this lesson here.